How's it going peeps?

It's been so long since I've posted, I had to knock the cobwebs off the corners of my blogger screen. Sheesh!

But my absence has been for good reason. I've been hard at work at On The Rocks book 4 in the Kizzie Baldwin series. Plus there's a HUGE rebrand for the look of the series that speaks more to the heart of what Kiz and Xander are all about, y'know, lust, guns, and blowin' shit up. *g*

So I'm OFFICIALLY writing today to show off the dope new covers done by the uber-talented Kellie Dennis over at Book Cover by Design.  (check her out if you need covers done!)

Without further ado…


That just happened. I'm sooooooo excited to finally show these off in all their awesome glory. If you're not on my MAILING LIST (that's crazy talk, right? You're def on the mailing list!) then you might have heard the next bits of news already. I'll go ahead and share them now anyway.

The first three books will be available in print soon. SHAKEN & STIRRED and WALLBANGER will be in one combo book, and SAKE BOMB will be on its own.

Next up, the first OMNIBUS featuring books 1-3 is available for purchase now at a super low price. So if you're just getting into the series, or know someone who wants to take the leap, tell them to click here NOW!  

Last bit of info, and I know you're all dying to hear it, the release date for On The Rocks. I've officially got it down for May 15th. And since I'm posting it here in an open forum, yeah, that's not moving. 

What do you think about the covers? Drop me some INK in the comments below. Oh, and do me a solid and share the pics on your social media pages (don't forget to tag me so I can shout you out for the love!)