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Stories so whet you'll want to lick my Ink
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Behind the INK

Quick and dirty, I write multicultural erotica, erotic thrillers, seductive romances, and whatever else comes to mind.

Tattooed. Wicked humorist. Incurable humanist. Proud geek! Closet badass. (Shhh…) 

Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA to a couple crazy folks who rubbed off on me (Lookin' at you, mom and dad). In addition to my hubby Mr. J, (who passed away in 2017, but, yeah, still madly in love with you, babe! ), I also love pit bulls, fast cars, all music, and candy.

I like my stories whet, with hot sex, smokin' snark, twisty plots, a lot'a humor, and smokin' snark. Oh, and I hate repeating myself. My language mirrors my art: both are full of color.

Other tidbits that have nothing to do with writing but you might find interesting, I got my Biology degree from Berkeley (Go Bears!), I spend all day rubbing people (certified massage therapist, you dirty mind, you), and I might be the only licensed bartender in the world who has never been drunk. When I'm not on my yoga mat, holding lotus pose and mala beads, or watching movies and singing off-KEY..key…key with Mr. J (yes, still, even with him in Spirit), I'm thinking about my next book…and my next tattoo.