Slip a Sable under the Tree...For FREE!!

No, that whole "slip a sable" bit won't ever get old 'round these parts.

And, lucky you, it's a TWEETABLE: 

Okay, before I get to the meaty (or vegetable-y) awesomesauce bit of this post, umm, who'n the hell told 2013 it could fly by like someone stuck a Roman Candle up its ass and lit the fuse? Really, 2013? REALLY?

Anywho, my kvetching in the previous para might have let on to the fact that it's December, hands-down the most important month of the year.

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UN-SUCK YOUR MONDAY!! #FreeINK #PleaseRT #JessaCallaver

It's Monday. 

I know, I know, Mondays suck. 

But not this Monday!  

This Monday will forever go down in history as EPIC FREAKIN' MONDAY!

What ever do you mean, Sable? My coffee hasn't kicked in, the kids are driving me crazy, I have a project due at work I'm not ready for, and the snozzberries do not taste like SNOZZBERRIES! Easy there, tiger. Take a breath. This is still an epic freakin' monday. Here's why:

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Keep Calm and SAKE BOMB!

(Sidebar: I was trying to duplicate that awesome helvetica meme, you know, john & paul & ringo & george, but it got to be a production so I said screw it.)


Sake Bomb is officially out, peeps! I know some of you are already in the know, and some of you have hit me with awesome e-mails because you've already ready it (YAAY) and loved it!

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A boat...and a marshmallow.

Yo yo yO YOOOOOOO!!!! LOL!

I bet you're wondering about that title, right. I mean, a boat, and a marshmallow? How the heck are those two things even remotely related? They're not.Unless you're a 4-year-old. Let me explain.

Last week around 7:30 or 8 in the morning, I finally peel my inked-up carcass from my mattress and drag it down the hall.  I'm not much for mornings, but my 4-year-old niece is. She's not much for sleep, and I'm all about the shuteye. Perfect opposites. 

So there I am, eyes barely open, scarf on tilt, one corner of my pajama shirt tucked into my shorts...

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