Posts tagged BDSM
Keep Calm and SAKE BOMB!

(Sidebar: I was trying to duplicate that awesome helvetica meme, you know, john & paul & ringo & george, but it got to be a production so I said screw it.)


Sake Bomb is officially out, peeps! I know some of you are already in the know, and some of you have hit me with awesome e-mails because you've already ready it (YAAY) and loved it!

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But, PayPal, I thought we were friends…

I mean, seriously, it’s right there in your name!  For those of you who haven’t the foggiest what I’m talking about, I’ll streamline it for you as only Sable J can. *wink*

PayPal recently dusted off its TOS (or inked in a new line, you be the judge) and said, “Holy strawberries, Batman! Are we ever in a jam! We’ve been accepting and processing payments for people that sell *gasp* erotica?  For *gulp* years? This simply won’t do! We must rectify this posthaste!”
So, out went the PayPalettes, zipping off form letter after form letter to indie ebook distributors, like BookStrand and ARE, and to indie publishers who sell directly from their sites, like the super awesome *insert stadium applause*.  And what was in that letter?

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